public static void main(String[] args) { BufferedReader br = null; try { String line; br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("d:\\testing.txt")); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(line); } } catch (IOException e) { // handle exception } finally { try { if (br != null) { br.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { // handle exception } }}
2.1 使用新写法
从Java 7开始,jdk提供了一种更好的方式关闭资源,使用try-with-resources语句,改写一下上面的代码,效果如下:
public static void main(String[] args) { try(BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("d:\\testing.txt"))) { String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(line); } } catch (IOException e) { // handle exception }}
清爽了很多是不是? 但是,有没有一点不安呢?
2.2 新问题
If an exception is thrown from the try block and one or more exceptions are thrown from the try-with-resources statement, then those exceptions thrown from the try-with-resources statement are suppressed. You can retrieve these suppressed exceptions by calling the Throwable.getSuppressed method from the exception thrown by the try block.
意思是:如果 try 块抛出异常并且 try-with-resources 语句抛出一个或多个异常,那么从 try-with-resources 语句中抛出的异常将会被忽略。你可以通过调用由 try块抛出的异常的Throwable.getSuppressed 方法检索这些被忽略的异常信息。
- 如果try块异常,catch到的是try块抛出的异常;
- 如果try块正常,close异常,catch到的是close抛出的异常;
- 如果try块异常,close也异常,catch到的是try块抛出的异常,close异常被忽略。
2.2.1 try块异常
2.2.2 try块正常,close异常
public class TestTryWithResources { public static void main(String[] args) { try (MyResource resource = new MyResource()) { } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("捕获异常: " + e.getMessage()); } }}/** * 自定义一个资源类,close时抛出异常 * * ps:只有实现AutoCloseable或Closeable接口的对象才能用try-with-resources */class MyResource implements AutoCloseable { @Override public void close() throws Exception { System.out.println("执行close方法,释放资源"); throw new Exception("释放资源异常"); }}
执行结果为: 执行close方法,释放资源 捕获异常: 释放资源异常
2.2.3 try块异常,close也异常
public class TestTryWithResources { public static void main(String[] args) { try (MyResource resource = new MyResource()) { throw new Exception("try块异常"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("捕获异常: " + e.getMessage()); // 找到被忽略的异常 Throwable[] ts = e.getSuppressed(); for(Throwable t : ts) { System.out.println("被忽略的异常"+ t.getMessage()); } } }}/** * 自定义一个资源类,close时抛出异常 */class MyResource implements AutoCloseable { @Override public void close() throws Exception { System.out.println("执行close方法,释放资源"); throw new Exception("释放资源异常"); }}
执行结果: 执行close方法,释放资源 捕获异常: try块异常 被忽略的异常: 释放资源异常
2.3 实践中的问题
实际上,很多时候try块中的异常和close方法抛出的异常是同一类型的。比如流、网络等不论是try块还是close方法都是抛出IOException,我们该怎么办? 最佳实践:按异常栈最底层的方法名判断。如果是close方法抛出的异常,就是关闭资源时产生的。 注:我们的方法名不能叫close
public class TestTryWithResources { public static void main(String[] args) { try (MyResource resource = new MyResource()) { throw new Exception("try块异常"); } catch (Exception e) { if(!"close".equals(e.getStackTrace()[0].getMethodName())){ System.out.println("处理业务异常"); } } }}/** * 自定义一个资源类,close时抛出异常 */class MyResource implements AutoCloseable { @Override public void close() throws Exception { System.out.println("执行close方法,释放资源"); throw new Exception("释放资源异常"); }}